

Last Updated on 6/25/2024

Please read this disclaimer carefully. By visiting and/or purchasing any of our products, you agree to all of our disclaimers, policies, and terms.

General Disclaimer

Phancy Slime (www.phancyslime.com) is operated by Phancy Slime LLC ("we", "us", or "our"). This website provides information as a public service under these terms and conditions. "You" refers to anyone using this website or any of our products.

The content on our website is provided "as is" for general information purposes. While we try to provide accurate and updated content, we don't guarantee its accuracy or completeness. By using our website or products, you accept that you do so at your own risk.

Artists and Social Media

Phancy Slime works with various artists from around the world and provides links to their social media pages so you can explore more of their work and portfolio. We are not responsible for any of the content found on, but not limited to, these social media pages, including posts, comments, and replies. We cannot be held liable for any content on these pages.

Potential Quality Assurance Issues

Phancy Slime does its best to ensure the quality of our products meet the highest standards before they are shipped. Most of our products include water as an ingredient and if stored improperly, may form mold. Phancy Slime is not liable for any molding that may occur. If you receive a brand new product from us at Phancy Slime that you think may contain mold or any other harmful substances/materials please contact us immediately at customerservice@phancyslime.com. We are not held liable for slime quality from trades.

Grip Strengthening and Finger Dexterity 

Phancy Slime is not, and does not claim to be medical professionals in any way. Our claims of potential improvement on grip strengthening and finger dexterity are based on our own personal experiences. The difficulty chart found on the “Phancy 101” page of our website is subjective. 

Reviews and Testimonials

Our website may include reviews from users of our products. These reflect personal experiences and opinions and do not represent our own views. We do everything we can to ensure the best quality in all of the products that we sell, however some users may have a negative experience due to unforeseen circumstances or personal preference. All reviews and testimonials are shown as received. We do not pay or compensate people for their reviews. We do not remove negative reviews, though we may ask some users to revise their reviews after we improve our products based on their initial review, but it is strictly not required. We will, however, remove any comments/reviews that are deemed socially inappropriate or offensive. In efforts to obtain as many different preferences as possible, we will feature optional surveys for customers to provide feedback for future slime releases.

Third-Party Links

Our website may include links to other websites for your convenience. We are not responsible for the content on these third-party websites. These links do not mean we endorse these websites or their products and services. We have no control over third-party content and are not responsible for it. Visiting third-party websites through our links is at your own risk.

Fair Use Disclaimer

We may use copyrighted material on our website without specific permission, believing that it falls under fair use as per Section 107 of the United States copyright law.

Disclaimer Updates and Changes

We can change this disclaimer at any time without notice. The effective date of the latest version will be at the top of this page. It is your responsibility to check for updates. Your continued use of our website and products means you accept any changes to this disclaimer.

If you have any questions, please email us at customerservice@phancyslime.com.